Ninja Jump Xtreme
In the thrilling world of Metal Army War, the dark robotic kingdom poses a grave threat to Earth, aiming to transform our planet into a realm of steel and machinery. As humanity's last line of defense, you have the choice to embark on this perilous journey solo or team up with a friend. Your mission is to reclaim the planet from these mechanical invaders!
Throughout the game, you'll encounter numerous challenges, including treacherous traps, aggressive enemies, and hostages in need of rescue. By navigating through a multitude of levels, you’ll gather essential metallic materials that will empower you. These resources can be used to upgrade your weapons and enhance your health bar, giving you the edge you need to face the robotic adversaries.
As you progress through the game, the tension builds, culminating in a formidable showdown against a BOSS that emerges after 15 grueling levels. Defeating this powerful foe is crucial for completing your mission and saving the Earth from its metallic fate. Should you ever find yourself lost amid the chaos, fear not! Simply press "SPACE" to open the MAP and guide your way to victory.
To begin playing Metal Army War, navigate the battlefield using the arrow keys or WASD for movement. Utilize your spacebar to jump and interact with objects. Engage with enemies by firing your weapons and rescuing hostages to earn upgrades. Don't forget to check the MAP when you need direction!
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