Face Changes
In the captivating world of Hawkins, mysterious happenings have become the norm, and at the heart of it all is Eleven, affectionately known as Elli. No longer a child, Elli is navigating a challenging chapter in her life following her breakup with Mike. Her new best friend, Maxine, stands by her side, helping her to rediscover her strength and self-worth.
The adventure kicks off at the iconic Starcourt shopping center, where Elli and Maxine set out to explore the vibrant fashion scene of the 1980s. Players dive into a delightful dress-up experience, trying on various stylish outfits that embody the essence of the era. As the duo experiments with bold colors and trendy accessories, they also indulge in delicious ice cream, making unforgettable memories along the way.
In this engaging game, fans of 'Stranger Things' can take part in a fashionable photo shoot, capturing their unique styles while reveling in the nostalgia of the iconic show. With an array of clothing options and customization features, players can create the perfect look for Elli and Maxine, ensuring that their friendship shines. Join them on this exciting journey, filled with laughter, style, and camaraderie!
To play the game, simply start by selecting your favorite character, either Max or Eleven. Browse through the 80s-inspired wardrobe, selecting outfits, hairstyles, and accessories. Use the mouse to drag items onto your character. Once you’ve styled them to perfection, click the camera icon to capture the fashionable moment!
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