My Puppy Daycare Salon
Embark on an epic adventure in the enchanting world of Hungry Beast, where you’ll face the challenge of appeasing a hungry demon. The story unfolds with a colossal demon in a furious state due to a shortage of fruits in the forest. Concerned for their big brother, small demons decide to take action by gathering fruits from the vibrant wilderness. Your mission is to assist these little creatures in collecting the fruits by swiping in the right direction to direct them toward tasty delights.
As you navigate through the lush forest, be on the lookout for fruit as well as potential hazards like spikes! Timing is crucial; a miscalculated swipe could lead your demon character into danger, resulting in an unfortunate end to your quest. Use your collected coins to unlock various adorable demon characters, each with unique attributes that can enhance your fruit-gathering abilities. Whether you’re a fan of adventure, RPG, platform games, or simply looking for a fun way to pass the time, Hungry Beast promises a captivating experience with its high-quality graphics and minimal game size, ensuring you can enjoy hours of gameplay with ease.
To play Hungry Beast, simply swipe the screen to guide the small demons towards the fruits while avoiding obstacles like spikes. Collect fruits to feed the big demon and use the coins earned to unlock new demon characters. Stay alert and time your swipes carefully for the best results!
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