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In the thrilling adventure of Ghost Wiper, two daring brothers embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind a series of mysterious occurrences. Armed with their investigative skills, they receive a chilling phone call from a distressed client requesting assistance with a notorious haunted mansion. The house, believed to be filled with restless spirits, requires urgent cleaning, and the brothers must prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.
As the two brothers set off to the eerie location, they gather their essential tools and gear, ready to face whatever may come their way. Upon arriving, they find themselves in a bewildering environment where every corner seems to hide something unsettling. The brothers must navigate through twenty intricately designed rooms, each filled with unique mysterious creatures, treacherous traps, and clever puzzles that will test their wits and problem-solving abilities.
Your mission is clear: assist the brothers in their quest to rid the house of its ghostly inhabitants by solving puzzles, avoiding traps, and finding hidden objects. With each room they cleanse, the path to unraveling the mansion's secrets will become clearer. Will you help them conquer the challenges and restore peace to this haunted abode? Prepare yourself for an exciting journey into the supernatural as you dive into Ghost Wiper.
To play Ghost Wiper, navigate through each room using your mouse or touchpad, interacting with objects and solving puzzles. Look carefully for clues and hidden items that will aid you in cleaning the haunted house. Complete all twenty rooms by fully cleansing each one to finish your thrilling quest!
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